Get the Support You Need from TAG’s Business Advisors
As a business owner you want to make the best of your business, continue to nourish it and help it to grow. As business advisors we understand that this can be a roller coaster ride and that whilst you’re good at what you do , it does not necessarily mean you have all the business skills and strategies you are going to need to achieve your objectives.
At TAG Accountants we want our clients to achieve their goals and we want to be your business adviser of choice, providing the support you need in the following areas:
- Strategic Planning
- Performance Improvement
- Business Consulting
- Business Coaching
Strategic Planning
Most successful business owners have a clear picture of where they want to get to and how they are going to get there. In other words, a strategic plan.
The experienced team of business advisors at TAG Accountants can help you pull together your key aims and objectives into a “Plan on a Page”. This tells you at a glance where your business is, whether it is on track or not and the key actions you and your team need to take to achieve your objectives.
We can also help to keep your strategic plan on track with our “Boardroom Partner “service, where we attend any of your key business meetings as a resource to help you make the best use of your time.
You can use us in any way you want – from silent observer to adjudicator, technical adviser to independent sounding board, chairman to minute taker, or even as the facilitator of brainstorming sessions. It’s all about us helping you to achieve what you deserve.
Call 01902 783172 to find out how a “Plan on a Page” and “Boardroom Partner” services can make a huge difference to your business.
Performance Improvement
Business owners tell us that they don’t consider their annual accounts as a valuable investment that can help them make their business more successful and profitable – in fact they serve no real purpose other than to keep Companies House and HMRC happy.
- TAG Accountants offer an 8-step Complete Performance Measurement and Improvement System that will produce all the numbers that matter to your business. The system offers a Performance Report in plain English that analyses all of your company’s key numbers. The Performance Report will: Identify exactly where any strengths and weaknesses lie
- Suggest an action plan to implement strategies to improve performance in each key area
- Calculate precisely the volume of extra sales, profits and cash those improvements will generate over the next year.
Call 01902 783172 to find out more about how this system can help your business achieve its true potential.
Business Consulting
As a business owner, your time is at a premium. There will be occasions when you’ll hit a problem that needs fixing quickly, but you won’t have the time or possibly the expertise to undertake it yourself. The business advisors at TAG Accountants are just a phone call away. Our business consulting service will help you to overcome the problem and get your business back on track.
Business Coaching
You may be running a fast growing business that demands a constant upgrade of existing skills or requires you to learn new ones to keep pace with change. TAG Accountants Group offer a business coaching service where our business advisors work alongside you to develop your skills and expertise. We can provide you with access to a vault of effective strategies and tools that can be used to achieve rapid and sustainable growth and more efficient systemised processes that add significant value to your business.
Contact us now to book your FREE initial coaching session or call 01902 783172